As last week, the Court is again holding a long conference, meeting on Monday and Tuesday. This week should be a bigger one for court watchers because this Friday is the last business day of the state fiscal year.

In 2007, the Court released opinions in 13 cases on the last day of August. On the same day in 2006, the Court released opinions in 14 cases.

The Court’s next oral argument sitting begins on September 9th.

Articles from the Past Week

  • New Briefing Requests 8-22-2008. As it starts to gear up for the fall, the Court requested full briefing in 11 cases.

  • Order List for 8-22-2008. Although the Court met for a long conference, its order list was quiet … perhaps the quiet before this week’s burst of opinions.

  • Brimer Mandamus Denied, for Now. The Court denied Kim Brimer’s mandamus petition that attempted to accelerate his ongoing appeal in the Fort Worth Court.