Now that the Legislature has adjourned from its regular session, Austin gossip turns to who is running for what office in 2010. The Statesman speculates that at least one Texas Supreme Court Justice could be angling for a lower-numbered “SO” license plate next year by running for Attorney General.
Legal Aid Funding
Faced with a crisis in legal aid funding, the Legislature came up with some (but not quite all) of the needed funds. Most of Texas’s legal aid groups still have some budget shortfall that they hope to make up through other sources. (A few came out ahead due to boosts in federal aid.)
Short-Lived Open Records Decision
Last Friday, the Third Court ruled that the Governor’s office would have to produce certain records about the expenses his security detail ran up while guarding him on various trips out of state. (or read the article in the Statesman). The Statesman reported:
A legislative remedy is another option, but a bill this session by Sen. Jeff Wentworth, R-San Antonio, to exempt DPS travel vouchers from public disclosure stalled in the House after passing the Senate.
Looks like the court decision was just enough of a push to move the bill. Two days later, the Legislature overrode that decision, amending the Public Information Act to make this information confidential.